Hoërskool Monument se Magneetskool vir Musiek, herdenk in 2022 sy 50ste bestaansjaar
Die Magneetskool / The Magnet School
The Magnet School is considered to be one of a few successful departmental music schools. Our pupil number exceeds 200 and learners can choose from a variety of instruments:
- Klavier / Piano
- Viool / Violin
- Tjello / Cello
- Sang / Vocals
- Kitaar / Guitar
- Blokfluit / Recorder
- Dwarsfluit / Flute
- Tromme / Drum Kit
- Orrel / Organ
Instruments can be leased; for more information send us a request

Die Magneetskool / The Magnet School
The Magnet School is considered to be one of a few successful departmental music schools. Our pupil number exceeds 200 and learners can choose from a variety of instruments:
- Klavier / Piano
- Viool / Violin
- Tjello / Cello
- Sang / Vocals
- Kitaar / Guitar
- Blokfluit / Recorder
- Dwarsfluit / Flute
- Tromme / Drum Kit
- Orrel / Organ
Instruments can be leased; for more information send us a request

Personeel / Staff
Our staff comprises a group of highly competent, experienced and qualified teachers:
(Click the name for more information)
- Sanet Louw
- Karin Scholtz
- Werner Retief
- Simon du Toit
- Esperance de Beer
- Mieke – Marie Kunz
- Andrew Brunsden
- Carina Krogh

Sanet Louw
Klavier, Fluit, Blokfluit / Piano, Flute, Recorder
BMus (NWU), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming – Music Therapy)
Karin Scholtz
Klavier, Tjello / Piano, Cello
BMus (UP), HOD (UP), UPLM (UNISA), UVLM (UNISA) – Piano Performance
Werner Retief
Kitaar, Viool, Orrel, Klavier / Guitar, Violin, Organ, Piano
BMus (Hons)(UP), HOD (UP), UTLM (UNISA), UOLM (UNISA) – Education In Violin / Chello
Simon du Toit
Klavier, Viool / Piano, Violin
BMus (UP), MMus (UP)
Esperance de Beer
Klavier, Viool / Piano, Violin
BMus (UP), HOD (UP)
Mieke – Marie Kunz
Klavier, Koperblaasinstrumente, Monnas Orkes / Piano, Brass, Monnas Orchestra
BMus (UP)
Andrew Brunsden
Tromme / Drum Kit
Grade 8 (TRINITY), BMus Student (WITS)
Carina Krogh
Kuns & Kultuur: Musiek / Arts & Culture: Music – Grade 8 & Grade 9
BA Humanities (RAU), BA (Hons) Sociology (RAU)

Personeel / Staff
Our staff comprises a group of highly competent, experienced and qualified teachers:
(Click the name for more information)
- Sanet Louw
- Karin Scholtz
- Werner Retief
- Simon du Toit
- Esperance de Beer
- Mieke – Marie Kunz
- Andrew Brunsden
- Carina Krogh
Prestasies / Achievements
Music theory tuition is of outstanding quality here at the music school. Many of our students, as well as our teachers, are rewarded annually and appear on the UNISA honorary list for exceptional achievements.
Ons leerlinge neem deel en presteer ook by ander kunswedstryde en kompetisies. Carina Naudé was in 2018 die wenner van die Philip Moore-kompetisie. Die Tres Amici-klaviertrio was die wenners van SAVMO se nasionale ensemblekompetisie in 2017 sowel as 2018.
Our more advanced symphonic instrumentalists are members of provincial as well as national youth symphony orchestras: Simfonia Juventi, Johannesburg Orchestra Company as well as the SICMF Festival- & Concert orchestra.
Some of our more gifted learners are also performing as soloists with professional symphony orchestras regularly: Randburg Symphony Orchestra, Gauteng Philharmonic Orchestra as well as Johannesburg Symphony Orchestra.
Die Monument Instrumentale Eisteddfod toon volgehoue groei met meer as 1100 inskrywings in 2019. Beoordelaars en deelnemers was eweneens beїndruk met die puik organisasie van die Eisteddfod, asook ons fasiliteite en die standaard van die deelnemers.
By Monnas se Magneetskool is ons trots op elke individu wat hom – of haarself daartoe verbind om ‘n musiekinstrument te bemeester ter wille van die genot daarvan. Met dié uitgangspunt, sien ons uit na ‘n toekoms waar musiekmaak vir Monnas, maar ook vir die gemeenskap, ‘n pronkstuk sal wees.